Chapter 73

Emily was still pretty sick by Monday. Leighanne called her doctor who said to give it a few more days as long as she wasn't worse, which she wasn't. Emily called Dr. Keaton who told her to take the week off as soon as she heard how terrible Emily still sounded. No one wanted to be treated by a sick nurse anyway.

AJ was growing increasingly worried about her and kept asking Leighanne if he ought to come home to which she always told him to stay away, Emily was ok and in good hands.

Tuesday evening Leighanne had gone home to be with Baylee, who had just come back from Kentucky. The two had made plans to go have dinner and see a movie together and left Emily alone for the first time since Friday.

AJ called Emily just as he got home for the evening. Her voice was nearly gone and her cough still sounded horrible. She insisted she was ok, the doctor had said to give it a few more days. AJ was not convinced.

Is Leighanne still there?” he asked.

No, she took Baylee out to see a movie. She said she'd be back later tonight.”

Ok. I love you.” he said.

Will you call me later?”


AJ hung up and immediately called Brian, who was in the middle of watching ESPN.

What's up, AJ?”

I need a huge favor, man.”

Sure, what is it?”

I need you to go take Emily to the emergency room.”

What? Why?!”

I just talked to her. She sounds terrible and I could tell even over the phone that she's short of breath. I really just don't have a good feeling.”

And does she know that I'm coming for her?”


Brian smiled. “So I have to bully her into going?”

Look I'd have Leigh do it but she's out.....”

It's not a problem. If you really feel like she should be checked out, I'm on it.”

Thanks, man. I owe you big time.”

Yes, you do!”

Brian drove to Emily's and hoped that he'd be able to get inside. Unfortunately, the doors were locked. He called her cell phone wondering how he'd explain this.

Hello?” she croaked.

AJ was right, she sounded worse than terrible.

It's Brian. I'm outside to check on you but I can't get in. Are you able to come down and unlock your door?”

Yeah...hang on, I'll be right there.”

The short trip down the stairs and to the door had Emily totally winded by the time she got there.

Brian immediately sat her down on the couch and crouched in front of her. She looked pale and was struggling to catch her breath.

Are you alright?” he asked, concerned.

Emily nodded.

AJ called me. He'd like me to take you to the ER and be evaluated again.”

Emily nodded again. She finally conceded. She was not getting better, in fact, she was worse.

Alright, good. I really thought I was going to have to force you or something.” he smiled. “Wait right here, I'll get you your shoes and coat.”

When he came back he helped her put her coat on and she slipped her feet into her shoes. “I need my purse.” she said. “It's in the kitchen.”

Brian retrieved her purse, grabbed her house keys and slowly walked her out to his car. Emily didn't even care anymore. She just wanted to feel better. She was completely exhausted and drained and out of breath and if she had to stay there all night to get better, so be it.

They got her signed in at the triage desk and Emily could tell by the crowded waiting room that it would probably be awhile.

I bet if you passed out on the floor they'd bump you up!” Brian joked.

Emily cracked a smile as she sat down. Brian quickly sent AJ a text message saying they were there and were currently in the waiting room. Emily leaned her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. She was too tired to be mad at him for the way he'd been treating Leighanne, and he had done her a huge favor in coming to bring her.

About thirty minutes later she was called back to the triage desk. After detailing her symptoms, the nurse took her blood pressure and then checked her oxygen level. Emily cringed when she saw her reading come back a little too low.

The nurse led her back to a room and immediately gave her an oxygen tube in her nose and started an IV to hydrate her. Brian looked concerned when he walked in after she was in her gown.

My oxygen level was a little low.” Emily said. “Nothing to be alarmed about.”

The doctor will be in shortly.” the nurse said, pulling the curtain closed as she left.

Can I get you anything?” he asked.

No, thanks. I think I'm just going to shut my eyes and rest while I wait.”

Brian took a seat and listened to the sounds of a busy ER around him, trying to eavesdrop on all the different conversations going on. About fifteen minutes later a doctor came in.

Hi, I'm Dr. Morris. I understand you've been feeling a little short of breath?”

Emily nodded.

And you've been on antibiotics for bronchitis since Friday?”

Yeah. Some help they've been!”

Dr. Morris listened to her heart and lungs and did a few other exams. “I'd like to get a chest x-ray to confirm but it sounds like your bronchitis has developed into pneumonia. Now normally I'd give you more antibiotics and send you on your way but your oxygen level hasn't come up yet and I'm worried you may have a more resistant strain so if the x-ray does confirm, and I think it will, I'd like to admit you and give you IV antibiotics and keep an eye on you so this doesn't get any worse, ok? I think you'll recover a lot quicker if you let us treat you here than you will if we send you home.”

Emily nodded. She had suspected this was coming after she'd seen her vitals. “Ok.”

Can I get you anything else?”

Could I have another blanket?”

Sure. I'll have the nurse bring you a heated one. They'll probably take you to x-ray in about ten minutes or so. I'll check back with you after I've seen the films.”

Ok, thanks.”

Brian squeezed Emily's hand. “Are you ok?”

Emily nodded. “I guess I'm not surprised. It's probably a good thing AJ made you bring me in. I kept telling myself I'd get better if I just waited.”

The nurse brought her another blanket and Emily dozed off briefly before they took her for the x-ray. While she was gone, Brian called AJ.

What's going on?” he asked, his voice full of concern.

The doctor is pretty sure she has pneumonia, he's waiting for a chest x-ray to confirm. She's having them done right now. He said normally they'd send her home with different medication but he's concerned that she may have a resistant strain because she's already been on antibiotics and hasn't gotten better so he'd like to admit her and give her IV medicine instead. He said she'll recover a lot quicker if she stays.”

Fuck.” AJ said. “But she's ok?”

Yeah, she's ok. They're giving her a little oxygen and some fluids. She seems too tired to actually be bothered by any of this.”

I'm coming down tomorrow.” he said.

Do you really think that's a good idea? What if you get sick?”

Fuck my album man, she's my wife!”

Brian understood completely. “She's not going to be happy with you....”

Which is why you aren't going to tell her, right?”

Right.” Brian agreed. He knew AJ wouldn't stay away and there was no sense upsetting Emily until he got there. He had a feeling that once she saw him she'd get over it in a hurry.

Alright. Look call me back when you know more, alright? I'm going to give Brent a call.”

Brent was surprisingly more than understanding to AJ's situation.

Why didn't you say anything sooner?”

Emily didn't want me to come home and get sick, but I can't stay away now, man. Not when she's in the hospital.”

Don't worry about it. We're actually ahead of schedule. Do you think you could be back to work on Friday and then we could work through the weekend?”

As long as she's better that should work fine.”

Alright, I'll take care of it.” Brent said.

Thanks, bro.” AJ said, feeling hugely relieved.

After Brian called AJ, he called Leighanne and told her what was going on.

I'll call Mandy and have her come over here so I can come down there and then you can go home. I'll stay the night with her.” she insisted.

Brian agreed. He had a feeling Emily would prefer Leighanne's company over his own anyway.

Leighanne immediately called Amanda who was also very worried. Randy assured them both that this was fairly common and she'd be fine. Amanda promised to leave right away so Leighanne could get to the hospital.

By the time she arrived, Dr. Morris had been in to let them know her films did confirm pneumonia and they got her started on more antibiotics and they were now just waiting on admitting to get her a bed upstairs.

How are you?” Leighanne asked, her eyes looking very worried.

I'm ok, I promise. I just want to get better already.”

I'm sure you do!”

I'm not much company right now I'm afraid. You really don't have to stay.” Emily said.

I'm not going to let you spend the night here alone! I brought plenty of things to read, don't worry about me!” Leighanne sat down next to Brian, who stood up.

I'm going to get home so Amanda doesn't have to stay too late.” Brian said.

Ok. Brian thanks a lot for bringing me here.” she said.

He squeezed her hand. “No problem! Now you'd better be a lot better when I come visit you tomorrow, ok?”

Emily nodded. “Yes sir!”

After he left, Emily lay her head back. “Oh my God, I'm too sick to even care that he left without saying goodbye to you!”

Leighanne laughed. “Don't think about that now.”

Not long after Brian left, Emily was moved to a nice room on the fifth floor. The nurses got her tucked in well and she was asleep in no time. Leighanne sat in the chair by the door so she could use the hall light to see her magazines. After a few hours, she dozed off herself waking only when the nurses came in to check on Emily.

By ten o'clock the next morning, Emily was feeling only a hair better. Her oxygen level had improved but not quite to the doctor's liking. Brian had stopped by after he had taken Baylee to preschool and Leighanne excused herself to get some breakfast while he was there.

You should let up on her.” Emily said.

You must be feeling better if you have your ability to nag me back.” he said.

Or maybe I'm just that serious that I'm using up what voice I have left to lecture you!”

Brian sighed. “I know you're right.”

Good. Then do it.”

Emily dropped it after that and Brian left shortly after Leighanne came back up, but at least this time he was civil and said goodbye to his wife before leaving.

Leighanne sat down and the two watched some television while Emily dozed. It wasn't long before she had another visitor.

Knock, knock!” Randy called from the doorway.

What are you doing here?” Emily asked.

I had a newborn exam today so I thought I'd swing by and see how you were.”

Well don't get too close, you don't want to get sick!”

Hey, you never cared if I caught your nasty disease!” Leighanne said.

That's different. You wouldn't have stayed away even if I had.”

You're probably not that contagious anymore, anyway.” Randy said. “How are you feeling?”

Barely better, but better. And they won't even let me out of bed to pee!” Emily whined.

Randy laughed. “Damn idiot doctors!”

Seriously...what the heck do they know, anyway?” Emily teased back.

Then, there was another knock at the door.

Can I come in?” AJ called from the hallway.

Emily's face broke out into a smile. She was so happy to hear his voice that she even forgot Randy was in the room.

I think you'd better before your wife jumps out of the bed.” Leighanne said, opening the door.

AJ walked in and tried to hide his shock of seeing Randy in there. It was soon forgotten when he saw how pale Emily looked, when he took in the dark circles under her eyes and the fact that she just looked all around fragile.

I thought I told you not to come?” she said, trying to conceal the few tears stinging her eyes at just the sight of him.

Do you really think I would have let you stay here without coming to be with you?”

No....but what if you get sick?”

I don't care. You are more important.” he said, gently as he leaned down to kiss her forehead.

Well...I should get back to work.” Randy said, awkwardly.

Thank you for coming.” Emily said.

Of course. You get well, ok?”


Randy wait up, I'll walk out with you. I think I'm going to go home and take a nap now that you're in good hands here.” Leighanne said. “Emily, call if you need anything?”

Emily nodded. “Thanks Leigh.”

Once they were alone, AJ climbed into the bed beside Emily and held her. “I'm so sorry.” he said. “I should have come home sooner.”

No you shouldn't have! You couldn't have known this was going to happen..”

How are you feeling today?”

A little bit better. Not a lot. I'm pretty tired.”

Why don't you take a nap?” he suggested.

I think I will. Don't go anywhere, ok?”

I won't.” he promised.

It didn't take long for Emily to fall asleep in his arms and for awhile, he studied her face as he held her. Eventually, he began to feel pretty sleepy himself so he rested his head back and closed his eyes. He supposed he was just catching up on sleep after a week of insomnia. As backwards as it seemed, the night before he'd actually slept soundly knowing Emily was at least safe, even if she was in a hospital. He slept again most of the flight there and fell asleep again in the bed with Emily, waking only when he felt her stir in his arms. He might have been relieved that she was temporarily safe from a potentially crazy stalker but after seeing just how sick she really looked, he was full of a whole other kind of worry. He knew she was pretty sick, it was just actually seeing her that really drove it home for her and he mentally kicked himself for not coming sooner.

Chapter 74

Emily improved greatly over the next two days and was in much better spirits Friday morning. Her cough was beginning to subside and she didn't need the oxygen anymore. AJ was glad to see that the healthy color had finally returned to her face.

You're going to miss your plane if you keep sitting here!” she scolded.

I really don't want to leave you!”

AJ, you heard the doctor. I'm going home tomorrow! I promise, I feel a lot better. Leighanne will get me home, I'll be fine.”

But you know I would stay if you wanted me to?”

Yes. But what I want is for you to finish that album so you can come home for good!”

AJ sighed. He knew he had to go, he just didn't want to.

Besides, it's your last week! I'm going to be all well by next weekend so I can fly up and we can celebrate and then Sunday you can fly home with me!”

AJ smiled. It did feel good to be nearly done with his album after years of waiting.

Deal. But if you aren't feeling well enough to travel, you stay put!”


Alright. I love you.” he said, squeezing her hand. “I'll call you when I get there.”

Emily nodded. “I love you too. Have a safe flight!”

Emily was discharged Saturday morning and Leighanne brought her home. Amanda arrived shortly after with take-out from their favorite breakfast place.

I thought after eating all that hospital food you could use something really yummy!” she said.

Thanks, Mandy! I'm actually starving so this is great!”

Leighanne was nice enough to let her eat at the table and then ordered her to lay down on the couch when she was done. They hung out for awhile before Amanda had to leave to meet up with Randy and Leighanne had a date with Baylee. Emily assured them both that she'd be fine, she was just going to lay on the couch and watch tv and take a nap whenever she got tired.

Dr. Keaton called her on Sunday to tell her to take the next week off as well. Apparently word had traveled from Randy's infamous receptionist Margie to Dr. Keaton's receptionist and Margie's sister Laurie, that Emily had been in the hospital all week and she had called to check on Emily and to reassure her that they'd be fine without her.

By Wednesday, Emily was feeling amazing. She'd rested so much that her energy was almost completely back, her cough was almost completely gone and going up the steps didn't make her breathless anymore. She was excited to get to New York and see AJ. The time she'd had with him in the hospital wasn't exactly what one would call quality time together. AJ was relieved that she was so much better and he couldn't wait to see her, either. There hadn't been any more threatening letters come to his attention and he was finally starting to relax about that whole incident.

Guess what?” he said on the phone Wednesday night.


They're actually predicting heavy snow showers Saturday!”

Really?” Emily squealed. “I hope it does! Then you'd get out of having to take me someplace with snow for our anniversary!”

AJ laughed. “Don't worry about that, I've already made plans.”

You have? What are they?”

Do you really think I'm going to tell you?”, but that doesn't mean I won't bug you about it!”

I'll just do what I always do when you start to nag me about something.”

What do you always do?”

I use sex as a diversion.”

Well then I guess I'll just have to ask you about it in a public place!”

Hey...if I have to do it out in public so be it!”

Emily laughed. “Alright...I won't ask. Much.”

What time does your flight land tomorrow?”

Two. I moved it earlier since I'm not working tomorrow. Do you really think you'll be done recording Friday?”

I think so. Technically I'm done tomorrow. We're saving Friday for some random touch-ups Brent wants to do so I guess it depends on how anal he gets about it.”

I'm so happy for you to have gotten this done, I know how much it means to me.”

Well, it certainly isn't as important as you are, but it does feel fucking amazing!”

I can't wait to see you tomorrow! I feel like I haven't seen you since Thanksgiving weekend since I slept almost the whole time you were at the hospital!”

I can't wait to see you either. Are you sure you feel well enough? It's cold up here, that might aggravate it or something....”

I promise, I'm fine. My doctor even said I was fine to travel. My energy is 75% back, my cough is 98% gone and I am no longer short of breath.”

Good. So, are you sure you want to go right home Sunday? We could maybe fly to Ohio and visit your mom if you wanted, it's been over a year since you've seen her!”

You know my mother and I don't really get along.”

I know, but she's still your mom.”

Yes, she is. I think there's just so much water under the bridge that it washed the bridge away.”

AJ chuckled. “Alright. Well my mother would like to see us after our anniversary if we can work something out.”

Do you think she could come see us? I've missed so much work and then with our trip, I just don't think I can take any more time off.”

I think that would be fine. Man, I can't believe Christmas is next week!”

Seriously! I'm so behind since I was sick for so long. I mean it was Thanksgiving, then the next weekend I was sick and I was still sick the weekend after that! I figured we could decorate the tree when we get home on Sunday. I didn't want to do it without you. And then on Monday I figured we could do whatever last minute stuff we had left, maybe I'll have Baylee come over and help me make some cookies! And Tuesday we invited everyone over for a Christmas Carol party, Wednesday is Christmas Eve and then boom! It's Christmas!

Well, it's a good thing you still have your Elf abilities in tact! Sounds like you're going to be needing them!” AJ teased.

Emily eventually had to get off the phone so she could finish packing and go to bed early. She wanted to make extra sure that she had her strength back so she could fully enjoy her trip.

The next day she had a very easy and uneventful flight to New York. It was about 25 degrees outside and the wind was making it feel even worse but Emily loved it. She smiled as she saw the city all decorated for Christmas as she took a cab to the apartment. She unpacked her bag and smiled as she looked out over the park. She absolutely loved the city at Christmas. It seemed to have an extra energy to it as she watched all the people on the street. She ate some lunch and took a hot bath to wash off the plane smell before curling up in the big chair by the window and watching tv. She'd been home sick so much that she found herself re-addicted to daytime television and didn't want to miss today's episode of Ellen.

AJ came home in the middle of the evening news. Emily got up as soon as she heard his key in the door and jumped into his arms as soon as he walked in. He met her with a long kiss as he held onto her tightly for a moment.

You look so much better than the last time I saw you!” he said as he shut the door.

Well I certainly feel a lot better!”

I'm so glad. Now listen, don't ever scare me like that again, ok? I was worried sick about you.”

Emily smiled. “I'm sorry I worried you and I will do my best to never do it again.”

AJ wrapped his arms around her again. “How was your trip?”

It was fine. The city looks gorgeous with all the lights and greens up!”

I thought you'd like it. And tomorrow, we're going out for a night on the town to celebrate and you can see even more of it then!”

What are we going to do tonight?”

Was there anything you wanted to do?”

Actually I was kind of thinking we'd stay in.....”

AJ grinned. “I was hoping you'd say that because I had a craving this morning to order in Chinese from the place down the street and eat noodles off of your back.....”

Emily's eyes grew wide. “Well what are you waiting for? Go order us some dinner!”

AJ called and ordered an assortment of Chinese food to be delivered. “They said it'll be about thirty minutes.”

Huh. Well, if you want to eat noodles off of my back then you should probably get me naked before it gets here, right?”

Absolutely!” AJ said, setting down his drink and pulling her into the bedroom. He whipped off his shirt and dropped his jeans before picking Emily up and tossing her on the bed.

You know, I always liked how you never wasted any time.” she laughed.

You always were impatient.” he whispered, just before he kissed her.

It was a deep, searing kiss that left them both breathless and yearning for more. It had been nearly three weeks since they'd even been able to kiss each other and they were both more than ready. He unbuttoned her blouse, kissing the exposed skin with each button. Once he reached the bottom, he moved back to her lips as he helped her shrug her arms out of the blouse. He ran his tongue along her jaw line and down her neck hitting all of her favorite spots along the way. His hands reached underneath her as he expertly unhooked her bra, slowly sliding the straps down off of her shoulders. Once she had removed it the rest of the way, he sent it flying across the room and sat up to unbutton her pants.

As he looked down at her, he frowned. “You've lost a lot of weight, haven't you?”

Emily looked a little embarrassed as she answered, “Well I didn't really eat much when I was sick....I can...put a shirt on or something....”

AJ smiled. “It doesn't turn me off, Emily. I just...didn't realize...I guess it just makes me feel worried all over again.”

Emily was touched by his honesty. “Look I've already received a lecture from my doctor about the healthy ways to put a little weight back on. I promise, I am fine!”

He got a devilish look in his eyes. “I'll just have to make sure you don't over-exert yourself!”

Exactly!” she said, with a grin. “So you'd better take my pants off for me before I have to do it myself!”

AJ had her out of her pants in no time and resumed kissing her as she tangled her legs up in his, loving the way his warm body felt on top of hers. There was no more talking. Their bodies were so in sync with their desires for on another that there was no need for it. They touched and teased until they were both ready for what they really wanted from each other. As soon as he felt her begin to wrap her legs around him, he quickly thrust himself into her causing them both to shudder from the sensation. Like they had done so many times before, she dug her nails into his back as he loved her with so much passion and heat that she thought she might explode. His eyes locked with hers as he felt her start to tremble beneath him, waiting until he felt her explode in his arms to let himself go.

The doorbell rang a few minutes later and AJ quickly threw some clothes on to pay for their food. Emily had stolen one of his t-shirts and put it on as he sorted the food out on the bed.

I'm starving!” she said.

Good! I'm glad I helped you work up an appetite!” he winked.

You know, the last time I was here you were joking about the AJ diet. Which is it?”

It's whatever you need it to be.” he smiled, looking like a clever little boy.

Emily laughed. “Thanks...I guess...”

He handed her the General Tso's chicken. “So...that whole going off the pill thing next month...are you still ok with you?”

Why, are you?”

Honestly, ever since you brought it up on Thanksgiving, I've thought about it a lot, and the truth is I can't wait! I can't wait to get to watch your belly expand as our baby grows. I can't wait to take care of you and help you paint the nursery. I can't wait to stay up late talking about names and who it'll look like the most. But that being said, none of that matters to me as much as wanting it to be the right time for you too.”

Emily was touched. Hearing him sound so excited to be a father was indescribable to her. “I'm more than ready.” she said, meeting his eyes and finding herself almost teary eyed.

He cleared his throat. “Then there's something kind of difficult I want to talk about.”

Emily froze. That was never a good way to start off a conversation. “What is it?”

I know that we left an awful lot of things in the past, but I think we'd both be kidding ourselves if we actually believed that the miscarriage didn't affect you. I know you still think about it, I know you'll be worried about it when we are pregnant. And I'm finally to a place where I'm ready to hear about it.”

You want me to tell you about the miscarriage?”

I know it seems strange, it's just...something I need to know about. I can't let you go on with this on your shoulders and not understand. This might seem stupid, like I'm just asking you to hurt me, I just feel like I need to understand. Deep down, I really think that it was my baby and I need to know what it was like for you. Can you do that?”

Emily nodded and took a deep breath. “Are you sure?” she asked, before she began.

AJ nodded.

It took a few weeks to really accept it. Once I got over the shock and the fear of all the implications, I could finally be open to the fact that I was having a baby. I decided to focus on the joys of the miracle rather than all the other dark clouds that were waiting for me, you know? So I guess I was maybe six or seven weeks along when I really began to feel excited. I mean I felt like crap most of the time. I was exhausted, I was working 12 hour shifts, I had morning sickness, I had no energy left for anything else most of the time. But every time I thought of that little baby growing in my stomach, suddenly I felt....alive. Whenever I went to the store, it didn't matter what store, I always had to go to the baby section just to look. Then I'd come home and I'd stand in the doorway of the room across the hall from ours and picture it as a nursery. Maybe a pale green or yellow, with jungle animals. I had all these plans. How we'd take him swimming out in the pool, how we'd build a swing set. Then one day I just knew something was wrong. I didn't know what it was until I start cramping and then spotting. In my head I knew what was happening by my heart was still holding on to hope. It was just...gone. Just like that. All those plans, dreams....gone. I spent a lot of time blaming myself. If I'd been less stressed, if I'd taken better care of myself. And at times I felt incredibly selfish because there was a part of me that was relieved that I didn't have to deal with the whole situation anymore. But most of the time I felt pain in my heart. I never took any of the pain medication they gave me for the cramping. To me, it was like every bad cramp was just an expression of my grief. I wanted to feel the pain because feeling it made it real. It was as close to birthing my child as I was going to get and I wanted to feel every moment of it. And then I spent a lot of time being angry. I'd look around at all the happy moms out there and think to myself that they didn't have a single clue how lucky they were. I felt like I was walking around with this huge secret and even if I did tell someone, no one would be able to understand. To this day, I think about how I'd be showing now, how the baby would be kicking. And how unfair it all is.”

AJ set down his fried rice and wrapped his arms around her. “Thank you.” he said, his voice hoarse with emotion. “I know it might not make a lot of sense to you, but I guess there was a part of me that just needed to know what it was like for you to sort of help my own grieving process. I know I never got to be excited or to prove to everyone that it was mine but hearing that I lost all of that...even though I never knew I had lose it...still had an effect on me.”

Emily looked up at him with tears in her eyes. “I'm so sorry I never told you.”

Don't be sorry anymore.” he whispered as he smoothed her hair out of her face. “We have so much to look forward to, there's no sense in looking back.”

Chapter 75

After their difficult conversation, AJ did fulfill his fantasy to eat noodles off of Emily's back. They alternated between making love and eating cold Chinese food several times before Emily insisted that AJ get some sleep so he'd be rested for his last day in the studio and for their big night out to celebrate.

In the morning AJ surprised Emily with a gift certificate to one of New York's most popular spas.

After everything you've been through the last few weeks, I wanted you to treat yourself. I booked you a massage, a facial, a pedicure and a hair cut and style.”

Emily grinned. A day of pampering did sound fabulous. “Thank you.” she said, kissing his cheek.

You're welcome. You deserve it. Now you'd better get going!”

The fact that Emily would be tucked away safely most of the day was just an added bonus to AJ. He hadn't done it specifically for that reason but the thought had occurred to him that at least she wouldn't be out on the streets by herself all day.

AJ was psyched to get into the studio for his last day.

Your wife should have come to town more often man, I think you might actually be glowing!” Brent teased.

I'm just excited to finish so I don't have to see your ugly face every day!”

They did some touch-ups to all of the tracks and spent a lot of time working on the mixing before Brent finally declared them done in the studio.

So do you have any plans to celebrate?” Brent asked.

Emily and I are going out, hey why don't you join us? You can bring your girlfriend, Angela was it?”

Actually it's Katie now.”

AJ laughed. “I've got a reservation for the Rainbow Room at 7, shouldn't be a problem to make it for four!”

Alright, how about we meet you there?”

Sounds good, I'll see you then!”

Back in Atlanta, Baylee was once again upstairs playing when Leighanne approached Brian. “Did you ever think about what I asked you to?”

Leighanne, I told you. I am not going to see a marriage counselor!”

But did you even think about it, or did you just write it off because it was something I suggested?”

Of course I thought about it.”

For what a whole five seconds?”

Well you didn't specify a time frame dear.”

You know what?” her voice raised. “I am so sick of your bullshit. You are behaving like such a child! You don't want to talk about it, you don't want to try and deal with it, you just want to sit there and pout and make my life hell until you're satisfied. Well guess what? I'm done. After Christmas, I want you out.”

Brian laughed. “You can't throw me out of my own house.”

Leighanne narrowed her eyes. “Watch me.”

Emily very much enjoyed her day at the spa and decided she should do it more often as she lay with some kind of mint mud on her face. She had to admit that she'd been very thrown off guard by AJ's asking about the miscarriage. It was probably the last thing she expected to talk to him about. In a way though, she was relieved to have let him in. It no longer felt like this huge weight she'd been carrying around. He knew about it. He was open to discussing it. She no longer felt afraid to bring it up whenever it was on her mind. AJ never ceased to amaze her with what a wonderful man he could be.

AJ was already home when Emily walked in feeling relaxed and rejuvenated with a glowing face, relaxed muscles and a new haircut complimented by new highlights.

Are you done?” she asked.

Yes! I am DONE!”

Emily squealed. “I'm so happy for you! It must feel amazing!”

Very amazing.” he hugged her. “And it also means I can finally be home with you for more than a few days. Well, at least until we go on vacation.”

Where did you say we were going again?”

I didn't.” he said. “You can't trick me into telling you.”

Emily pouted. “Fine.”

I hope you don't mind, I invited Brent and his latest girlfriend Katie to dinner with us.”

Not at all! That sounds like fun! Where are we going?”

The Rainbow Room at 7.”

Emily smiled. She should have known it'd be somewhere fancy. “You know, I think there's still some noodles left in the fridge...we have a little time before we have to leave....”

AJ backed her up against the counter and kissed her. “I like the way you think.” he whispered as he pulled her shirt over her head.

AJ and Emily lost track of time and had to rush to get dressed for dinner. “I like your haircut by the way.” he said.

Thanks! Though it looked a lot better before you messed it all up!”

You look beautiful.” he said softly as she put on a dark blue, wrap style dress with ¾ length sleeves. “The car is waiting downstairs.”

I'm ready.” she said as she put on her black dress coat.

AJ wrapped an arm around her waist and led her down to the car where he then helped her in and got in on the other side. Emily could tell how happy he was to have his album done. He hadn't stopped smiling since he'd gotten home and she was thrilled for him to have this moment. A moment he'd been waiting an awfully long time for.

Brent and Katie were waiting for them just inside the door of the restaurant. They did the introductions and were quickly taken to their table. Emily found Katie to be very pleasant and they had a good time talking about good places to shop in the city while AJ and Brent talked shop. Every so often, AJ's eyes would meet Emily's and they'd gaze at each other briefly across the table.

When their meals arrived, Brent made a toast.

To AJ. For finally recording an album, and to me, for being able to put up with him through the process.”

They all laughed and clinked glasses while Emily reached across the table and squeezed AJ's hand.

After some dancing, some dessert and a few cups of coffee, the two couples went their separate ways.

Where are we going now?” Emily asked.

To the park.” he answered.

Emily raised an eyebrow but knew better than to try and get any more details out of him. She only knew he probably had something terribly romantic up his sleeve.

Sure enough, he led them straight up to a waiting horse drawn carriage, complete with sleigh bells. Emily excitedly hoped up on the carriage and AJ climbed in beside her.

Ready?” the driver asked.

Ready!” Emily answered.

He led them through the park as Emily looked around excitedly at the big Christmas trees and all the lights.

Thank you for this.” she said.

You're welcome. I've always wanted to do this before.” he admitted.

Emily leaned over and kissed him softly. “Oh my God!” she exclaimed.


It's snowing!” she laughed.

Sure enough big, fat snowflakes had started falling from the sky and by the time they were finished with their carriage ride, the sidewalks already had a thin layer of snow.

What a perfect day!” AJ said as they walked back to his building.

It wasn't exactly a perfect day for Baylee. He was getting more and more confused at the way his parents were always yelling at each other. He'd heard his name mentioned several times in their fights and he was starting to wonder if it was all his fault. He sat down and thought about what he'd ask Santa for if he saw him today.

Dear Santa,

Please make my Mommy and Daddy stop fighting.

I promise I'll be good. I don't want anything else

I swear.

Back in New York, AJ and Emily didn't realize they were being watched as they walked into the lobby of the apartment building. He'd followed them to the restaurant and waited for them to come out. He watched them get on the carriage together and felt his blood boil as he saw her husband putting his filthy hands all over Emily. He followed them back to the apartment and watched them kissing as they waited for the elevator. He'd seen enough. He turned around and walked away.

Emily and AJ sat on the giant chair together and watched the snow fall.

I love you so much.” she sighed.

I love you too.”

I really am proud of you.”

Thanks.” AJ smiled.

I almost feel bad being so happy with you when our best friends are at home totally miserable together.”

You mean Brian and Leighanne?”

Yeah. I don't know if they're going to make it.”

They'll make it one way or another. It's just going to take time.”

How can you be so sure?”

I've been with them from the beginning. I know in my heart that they're meant for each other. People like that always come back together at one point or another. Just like us.”

Well for their sake I hope you're right.”

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"Realize" is a work of fiction.
The characters and events portrayed are fictitious.
Any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental.

Copyright ©2008
All Rights Reserved
No part of this text may be copied or reprinted
without the author's permission.